Saturday, May 16, 2015

Final Project Presentation

The media shaping children’s Future

It is no surprise that children are shaped by patriarchal believes instilled by their parents.  From an early age children are cocooned into an environment that promotes gender assimilation.  For example, baby girls preferred color is pink while boys is blue.  This continues through their younger years by assigning specific toys for specific genders.  Parents encourage girls to play with dolls developing their communication skills while boys play with Legos making them spatially aware.  This may have an effect on the development of children’s skills.  There are several misconceptions of girls and boys academic abilities.  As the video explained “higher female performance in math correlates with higher levels of gender equity in individual nations”.  Therefore the number one reason why such gender gap exists is because adults instill misguided believes upon our youth.  Society including media which sets a standard, an expected behavior which follows an individual from the time they are born  In my research paper I mentioned several ways in which the gender stereotype can be avoided.  The most important one, treating teachers biases.  That is the reason why I chose to research this subject, to shine a light and inform others about how biases carried from patriarchal believes can be inherited.


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