Saturday, March 28, 2015

Project Proposal: Radio Podcast

Hey there!

My final semester project will be an interview-type radio podcast. When I talked about my idea in class, my biggest concern was what to cover in my session. We've already covered so many interesting topics, and while I had wanted to go through them all in my project, endeavoring to do so leaves very little room for me to be able to go deeper into any one topic. Therefore, my provisional topic of discussion for my podcast will be on femininity and masculinity.

One thing that always fascinates me when taking a class is when we talk about something that is quite obvious (as in, everyone knows it), but hardly realize it. And then when we do begin to realize the messages and connections, it brings to light so many things. I hope for my radio podcast session to ultimately have that type of effect—not only for the interviewees, but for the listeners as well. Even though radio shows are not as popular these days, I think making a sound piece is a great way to explore this topic. There is a significant difference in the way we visually process things, and the way we aurally process things. While we may passively absorb things that we see, having to actually listen closely to something requires more thought and analysis. I'm hoping that discussing the basic concepts of femininity and masculinity through a podcast manifests the topics differently for participants and listeners.

Most of my interviews will be recorded over spring break so that afterwards I would really only need to worry about editing the piece. I will use a zoom recorder from the media department (if I can get my hands on one), or purchase a recording device. Fortunately, many people I know have already tentatively agreed to talk to me.

Some things I would love feedback on!!!
1.) What do you guys think about my topic? I think it's a perfect gateway to lead into other potential podcasts and ideas. But should I add anything else to it? Should I consider something else?

2.) I don't know how many of you actually listen to radio shows (because I really don't =X), but what would make one more interesting or enticing for you? Are there any podcast and/or podcast series you can point in my direction to check out?


  1. I don't know many of people personally that listen to radio anymore myself included. Radio is still a good way to get a message across but in world of the internet and social media I think a good way to get a better way to reach more of an audience would be maybe to video record each session that you are interviewing someone rather than simply just making a podcast you can do that and a video and share both. I feel this will be better for those who don't listen to radio because I know there are probably a lot of kids who are growing up in this new age of technology who probably don't know what a radio is and one of the most important things is to reach out to the youth because they are our future.

  2. Hey, I think your podcast idea is wonderful, many people listen to podcasts whether they are interviews, stories, or conversations among people. I think you should just have roundtable discussions about current topics related to women in media, like Hillary Clinton running for presidency in 2016. You should also gather a few friends to discuss this, as the conversation might be more comfortable and if your friends are racially diverse, can be more inclusive.

  3. I agree! Podcasts are great! I subscribe to severalPodcasts and there are tons of great projects as podcasts.
