Saturday, March 14, 2015

Advertisements and Their Influence on Society

Advertisement has arguably become the most important priority for all companies. Structured in a patriarchal capitalist society, there is an abundance of sexism, racism, and display of power hierarchy in the business. With advertisements, the main objective is to maintain or create a purchase response from a target audience. Given the environment of advertisements, whether the media is televised, printed, or displayed on billboard, there is bound to be intentional or unintentional slight to a specific gender, race, or class. This is the result of non-personal communication from companies to the masses. Sense the incarnation of advertisement, the influence of culture has been substantial with persuasive imagery playing on insecurities of the target population in order to trigger sales. “Advertising is an over $130 billion a year industry and affects all of us throughout our lives. We are each exposed to over 1500 ads a day, constituting perhaps the most powerful educational force in society. The average adult will spend one and one-half years of his/her life watching television commercials. They sell values, images and concepts of success and worth, love and sexuality, popularity and normarky. They tell us who we are and who we should be. Sometimes they sell addictions. (Killbourne)”

                                   [ Female: Sexual object, male gaze, male magazine, soft porn.]

With advertisements having such an impact on us, the representations of women in relation to men, race, and the messages that are portrayed are very important, and most commonly affect culture negatively. The most vulnerable and affected are usually the adolescence due to younger people searching for an identity. However, that does not mean adults are not affected just as much. The businesses profiting off of their marketing would not be successful if it were not for the purchases of adults who contribute to the popularity and sales of these images. Women are particularly fed images and almost peer pressured into achieving a slim physique with the repetitive display of weight loss commercials, magazines, and branding. That’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to faults in how portray women in society. The sexism continues with advertisements being directed towards women as housewife roles and products, to even more reductive advertisements made just for the male gaze…displaying women as nothing more than sex objects. This becomes more blatant in comparison to male-targeted audiences. “Carmakers were still draping blondes in evening gowns over the hoods like ornaments. Authority figures were almost always male, even in ads for products that only women used. (Gloria Steinem)”

[Male: BMW AD, insinuates boys/men only aspire to drive BMW's, slights the female consumer, race representation hints a white male driver is the target for company]

A great alternative for these outdated and offensive types of advertising would be to better represent both male and female, and especially with gender neutral products or companies like cars, household products, etc. With a population that’s progressed and has become more diverse there are no excuses for any intentional race representation with products, as the potential sales have now expanded to a more culturally diverse audience. In fact, with less offensive material, more people would be willing to support and purchase certain products without having to avoid protecting their sense of pride. With advertising companies spending astronomical amounts of money in marketing their business, they are going to be less than encouraging to make necessary changes to move away from their archaic ways of marketing. However, in a day an age of modern technology, we now have access to communicate directly with companies and express how we feel about their products and ads. With more people speaking up and contacting companies via phone and online, there will eventually be a positive change in the representations and influences of gender, race, and class.

[Female: Gender neutral product, housewife stereotype, male body language towards female(mother) is demeaning/not accepting..also shows male has more important duties than to spray air freshner, women is Febreze's target audience.]

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