Saturday, February 21, 2015

PRESENTATION #1: An overview

Good morning!

Our group's presentation focuses on the first round of readings that introduced the concepts of the male gaze, patriarchy and the oppositional gaze. We have all done some more writing and reflection on these topics since our last meeting, and we feel as though there is so much that we can still discuss (and should discuss) since these principles are paramount to understanding not only the representations of women in the media, but of societal institutions we have all subconsciously accepted, and the power dynamics between genders. We begin with some basic definitions that we're sure you are all already knowledgeable of, and then we decided to segway into a closer analysis of the popular Netflix show, Orange is the New Black, under the lens of the male gaze and patriarchy. Orange is the New Black is an interesting show because the cast is primarily female, and so a lot of the times the characters take on different gender roles regardless of their actual biological sex. We hope you enjoy the presentation, and we challenge you guys to not only to think about the epistemology of patriarchy and the male gaze, but to critique it and evaluate the ways it has, does and will continue to effect the society.

Our Presentation!

In case you're interested... a more detailed outline

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