Sunday, February 22, 2015

Miss Representation Summary

Miss Representation Summary

The film Miss Representation is an excellent documentary that sheds light on the ideals that have helped to build and maintain a system of patriarchy around the world. The film specifically addresses the mass consumption of these ideals through the use of media outlets dating as far back as the late 40's with the invention of the television. Barbara Berg states in the film"We needed a huge campaign to get these women back in the home. One of the most effective ways to do this was through television. So television was part of the re-domestication of women." The film goes on to outline the push for women to leave the workforce en masse in order to make room for men to return to positions they held prior to leaving for war. The film highlights other forms of media like movies and advertising that prey on women's anxieties about their looks in particular. Caroline Heidman states"throughout any type of mass media there is, we see the wide spread acceptance of women as sex objects, in rock videos, rap and hip hop videos and in all the summer blockbusters, women are just basically body props there for young male viewers."Many of the young women and girls featured in the film discuss the difficulties of living up to these standards of beauty set by rich white men in power. This concept is reiterated throughout the entire film. Another important concept that is represented in the film is the degradation of women by other women. Jennifer Pozner says "I think one of the worst stereotypes in reality tv is that...women are considered bitchy, catty, manipulative, vindictive not to be trusted, especially by other woman. She talks about the portrayal of women on reality tv shows like Bad Girls Club and The Bachelor where women are constantly fighting amongst themselves for the pleasure of the viewer. The film on another important concept that is often over looked which is how patriarchy affects men and how it continues to exist. "We're socializing boys to believe that being a man means being powerful and in control. Being smarter than women or being better than women or our needs get met first in relationships with women. That's not genetically predestined. That's learned behavior" says Jackson Katz. The film ends with the message that young women have to be empowered to by other women in order to tear down the patriarchal system that is in place.

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