Friday, February 6, 2015

Media and it's effects on me

My name is Kevin Alba, I am 21 year old male. I was born in Queens and still reside in Queens. Media has definitely had it's affects on me, especially when it comes to appearances. When I was a lot younger between later elementary and early middle school I suffered from childhood obesity. This made me feel really insecure on how I felt because of the way I looked and as well as the way I was judged by others. I got mad fun of by guys for being fat and I disgusted girls by being fat. Even though I had a few friends they still made fun of me at times for the way I looked. I guess I could somewhat blame the media because it does hold a lot of influence because it's what people are exposed to everyday. The media shows as the ideal man as a 6 foot 4 inch tall muscular man. And I was not that in anyway. I'm 5 foot 6 inches almost the opposite of the ideal man and with my wide frame and stuff I felt pretty discouraged that not would I be able to attract the opposite sex but that I would always be made fun of. Only until hearing from doctors that I was getting close of getting diabetes I figured that I really had to change my life around. So I began to work out a lot and eat healthier and went down from about 180 to 120 then I began to lift more weights to get more muscular and ended up at my current weight at 150. And just because of the changes of my appearances  I didn't get made fun of anymore and I became more appealing to the opposite sex and then I realized how badly people get discriminated or made fun of just because of simply being a little overweight or different from what people consider to be the norm. Once I got more in shape I couldn't even believe the attention I was getting and it all seem kind of fake to me. How could someone treat someone like crap because of the way I look and then suddenly change after that one change. I was just confused and I didn't know what to make of it.

I would say the media affects everyone not only males but females as well. I see females get objectified so much and overly sexualized for no reason. I see some commercials selling products that have nothing to do with females or their bodies to sell like fast food or even things for men. Like how does it make any sense. Like I always watch commercials and be like what the hell does that have to do with anything. I hate how people just view females like sexual objects like I'm a heterosexual male and I do find the female body pleasing but I don't need to be bombarding with images of them all over or of fit men all over to sell some type of cologne or perfume. It's just really unnecessary and excessive.  For example this ad
What the hell like what is this supposed to imply? Why would this make me want to try to out this sandwich because it doesn't this ad in no way makes me want to try this food. And it disgusts me on how they think this is okay to do. Like it's a sandwich why must I have to think of sexual acts for freaking food.

All these advertisements made me sick which got me into doing graffiti and things like that. I hated having to digest these images just because some rich person has the money to shove whatever garbage they are trying to sell by sexualizing people. I rather see art or see something people put work in to get a message across that isn't about selling anything just being there for pure expression. I fear how this world is and how it is against women. I have a baby sister she is only 4 and she has no idea about how the world is. When I go out in the streets to paint illegally I have the fear of getting caught by the police, getting beat up, or getting robbed. Females have all that to fear but as well as getting raped. Like that's fucked up why must females have to have that constant fear, it's not right. I'm also afraid if some guy should ever ask my sister out on a date or prom and she deny them and because of that get shot or killed because some guy couldn't handle rejection. One could blame the patriarchy on that because a man feels entitled to whatever they want and when they don't get it they are told to act violently or like some spoiled brat. Not only that but I'm pretty sure they get ridiculed by their other guy friends because they couldn't get with some girl or whatever and all this ridicule can especially drive someone to do crazy things which I feel never justifies any of their violent acts but I can see why many men engage in these acts because as men we are told to not feel sadness or basically be emotionless because if we show any sign of it we are not a man. Bottling up ones feelings is never good because it's only time before someone explodes and do something outrageous or regretful. And I see why many men do commit these acts because they are told to bottle up their emotions or else they are pussies or women. Like what's wrong with sharing the way you feel about something, I have cried for many things that happened to me and at times in front of people that I didn't want to because of fear that they will judge me and think of me as weak for crying but it got to the point where I didn't give a shit because I'm not less than a man because I show my emotions, I'm just being real. And if someone is going to give me shit for being real because it's not manly or whatever then I know who to avoid because they aren't real, they are just phonies and fakes. My parents taught me one rule and I think it is the most important rule in the world that I wish most of humanity understood which is basically don't do things to other people that you wouldn't want done to yourself. If both genders did this we wouldn't have the problems we have today and we wouldn't need feminism because there is so much bullshit for example girls getting called sluts or whores because they sleep with a lot of guys but a guy is a stud because he gets with a lot of girls like what the fuck? How is that fair how does that make sense? I honestly feel its just the way for men to make women feel bad for expressing their sexuality like if we are the only ones to get allowed to do that. I feel also that women shouldn't feel bad and embrace their sexuality so what if a guy calls you a slut like f that he's just mad because you can get guys and he can't get girls or because you wouldn't sleep with him or whatever it's honestly a boyish emotion. Ugh I just feel like I'm rambling too much now I got to get my thoughts more focused and well put I'm sorry there is just so much crap going on in the world and it just sickens me that all the years that we have had to evolve we still have to go through some petty shit especially females they are the caregivers the bringer of life how can we as a male treat them any less than that. If it weren't for them we wouldn't be here if it weren't for females our sons or daughters wouldn't be here how could we treat them any less it's just not right, I'm just proud my parents didn't raise me the way Bell Hooks parents raised her under patriarchy. I'm just going off tangent but yeah media is alright like cartoons or funny shows but some stuff is too sexualized for no reason and I feel it instills negative connotations to not only us adults but also to our future.

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