Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Project Proposal

My project proposal consists of an original song written and recorded.  I would like to include many topics but mainly stick around self-identity, gender representation, and racial stereotypes in media.  I am making this because it brings awareness to many issues that are constantly being overlooked or slighted in society. I would like to entertain the audience while informing and addressing issues that hopefully introduce conversations about resolutions to the issues. 

The challenge in this project will be keeping the song entertaining enough to listen to by general audiences, while having controversial content. I will distribute and share this through social networks, and mp3 files. This fits my portfolio of work perfectly as it is a published work of art specifically written by myself and shows a different side of my artistry in song and in writing. This will be made primarily for people that are into poetry, music, and dance. 

The motive is to have the song grow and progress after the semester is over by being an example of contemporary R&B/POP that has real life issues at hand. Perhaps if our music and media starts to change for the better instead of holding years and decades of traditions with a history of various forms of oppression, maybe it will make an impact on the equality our society currently offers.

Week 1 (3/29 – 4/04): Instrumental
Week 2 (4/05 – 4/11): Song Written
Week 3 (4/12 – 4/18): Song Recorded
Week 4 (4/19 – 4/25): Final Touches


  1. I am in love with this idea! I have no knowledge or experience in the music industry, but I am forever fascinated by it, and it is my dream to work in it one day. I completely agree with you, though. Today's mainstream music contains some of the most absurd lyrics and messages. But being that music is such a popular medium, those songs, and those lyrics still have so much influence of popular culture.

    Do you have any experience in songwriting? I went through this phase where I thought I would be famous one day, so I began writing random songs... it was tough for me, and I sucked at it. And maybe it could be tough for you. Check this article out about songwriting:


    (There are so many articles available about songwriting if you just search it, but the essence of songwriting from this article seems simple and straightforward. I can see you applying these steps for your project. Think of a single, specific source of inspiration—maybe sometime when you faced a self-identity crisis or discrimination of some sort. Then you begin to jot your thoughts down about it, and organizing those thoughts to a rhythm).

    Are you going to compose your own beat? If you're not too comfortable with that, I don't see anything wrong with you sampling from the instrumentals of other songs (except being real careful of any copyright infringements). By using instrumentals from popular songs today, maybe your song can also be sort of a critique of the known songs original message or something (like how YouTube parodies do it).

    Lastly, I think this project has to relate to women and women's empowerment in some way. Think about how you are going to incorporate that. I was thinking it would be cool if your original song was paired with some visuals like a music video if you have time, or even a slide show.

    Best of luck, have fun, and let me know if you have any questions regarding my comment.

  2. This seems like a great project as songs are known to be a great source of media and also a really powerful one at that. We see music influence life a lot and the millions of views songs get on youtube show that many people are listening to music and are also listening to words. You posted a picture of how lyrics have changed and the meaning of the song, I believe that to be very true mainstream music now a days isn't really concentrating in the message of their lyrics and mostly in the way a beat sounds and it's produce. I would like for you to keep that in mind that now a days catchy songs are what get really popular and known so I would try to not put so much different in the song and actually create several songs about several topics and also being really catchy and making a good beat can go a long way.

  3. This idea is very smart. Music and songs have messages within them that say a lot about society. Because the sing is a direct say about what is going on and the issues that go on within society i think you have to find a method that is not overwhelming for a listener but still evident in its message. I cant wait to hear what you come up with.

  4. What a creative project! I hope you mean “controversial” lyrics as lyrics about social issues, like many rappers, some not in the mainstream, put forth. The image you used is confusing because it compares music in different genres though it seeks to explore music in its respective generations. There is much history to rock music about appropriation and I think your project should somehow incorporate that or read up on it. What exactly is your content in lyrics? I am confused about that. I think this project could work well as long as it is not voyeuristic and you have some sort of personal or historical attachment to work you are creating.

  5. The idea of an original song being introduced to explore the topics in class are not only creative but extremely brave. Listening to some of the music that degrades and generalizes women to nothing but mere objects is extremely frustrating and having it come in through this method is very refreshing and I look forward to how the oppressive nature of women will be incorportated.
