Saturday, April 18, 2015

Project Proposal

The media shaping children’s Future
I would like to do a research paper about how media influences on children’s cognitive development.  It is no surprise that children are shaped by patriarchal believes instilled by their parents.  From an early age children are cocooned into an environment that promotes gender assimilation.  For example, baby girls preferred color is pink while boys is blue.  This continues through their younger years by assigning specific toys for specific genders.  Parent encourage girls to play with dolls developing their communication skills while boys play with Legos making them spatially aware.  This may have an effect on the development of children’s skills.  Since girls are encourage to play with dolls and role play, their sense of communication is hyphened.  Meanwhile boys are giving Legos and train toys which encourage them to build and provides them with skills of measurement and a sense of space which later is useful in higher levels of mathematics.  Toy manufacturers play a role in producing gender specific toys.  In addition, toy manufacturing advertisements furthers this gender segregation. This is not only seen in advertisements but its also visible in television, movies and books.         


  1. Nicol this is an issue that really resonates with me. I worry about the younger generations and how the development skills and attention of these young children are deeply affected. As a mother of a young child and who has dry young cousins I worry about the influences that they will see in the media and how this will shape them as individuals. This link below features a journal about media's effect on cognitive skills.
